About Me

Portait Shoot

I am a Registered Holistic Nutritionist (RHN), having graduated from the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition (CSNN). Before this I earned my BA in Theatre Studies at York University and my MA in Drama at the University of Toronto (this should help with speaking engagements) and then a Marketing Certificate from Ryerson (which should help to market myself).

As I headed into the second half of my life (if I live to be over 100, haha) with osteoarthritis, hypertension and a “few” extra pounds I decided to see what I could do to lose weight, lower my blood pressure, halt the progression if not reverse the osteoarthritis. As I looked around at the possible programmes, I was directed to the CSNN and decided to take the two year programme in one year. It was tough but worth it.

What I love about being an RHN is that it truly is a holistic approach to health care. I don’t just focus on what we weigh, how we look or numbers on a test but at the whole person, what you eat, how active you are, how happy you are, what your stress looks like, where your stress comes from, what you eat, how you eat, where you eat and with whom, and more. The more you can tell me about your life, the more I can shape your programme to change your life

BTW, I have lost weight, cut my hypertension mediation in half (with my doctor’s blessing) and am living with less pain from my osteoarthritis.